Before and After School
Breakfast club
Our Breakfast Club is very kindly sponsored by Greggs, which means our children are allowed to attend the club for free! Miss Williams, along with the support of seven other members of staff, runs the club. The club currently has numbers of around 120 children who attend daily and therefore there is a waiting list. If your child would like to attend the club then please see either the Community Room or main office to add their name to the waiting list, your child will then be allocated a place as and when one becomes available. Children are provided with a nutritional breakfast, with a choice of cereal, toast and juice followed by enjoyable activities with their fellow club members.
Extra-Curricular Activities
We have a range of after schools clubs on offer for children in key stage 1 and 2. These clubs change termly and all children have the opportunity to attend. For more information on the clubs this term, click here.
If you would like you child to attend a particular club this term, please contact the main office who can support you in this.