Community Room
We are here to help you. Feel free to drop by and say hello. We have regular parent / carer events that are open to all!
Have a look at our courses and events page to see what is going on. Come in and join the fun!
Hi to all our amazing parents!
My journey at All Saints CE Primary School began nearly 3 years ago and I love every minute of my work here. I previously worked in different schools across South Bradford in various roles, engaging with children, their families and the local community. You will mostly find me in the Community Room where we have many different courses, sessions and events running for parents, so please pop along to say hello. Don’t forget to keep your eyes on Dojo and text messages for notifications.
I hope your children enjoy coming to school as much as me! It is a genuine privilege to be part of this fabulous school❤️
Victoria Nixon
Parental Involvement Worker
I have been a Parental Involvement Worker for over 10 years and provide a friendly 'first point of contact'. I work alongside the Bradford Education Admissions team to allocate children throughout the year. I also action allocations for Nursery. I am involved with the school health teams and liaise with them throughout the year.
Sabiha Khanum
Parental Involvement Worker