We teach the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, using a wide range of strategies.
Starting in September 2022, we have implemented our own All Saints Curriculum in which high priority is given to the fundamental elements of phonics, reading, writing and maths, which are taught daily across school. These skills are then further embedded across other curriculum areas with experience-based learning. Children access all elements of the curriculum in every year group and priority is given to enrich each subject.
We supplement the classroom learning of children by providing real life experiences that allow the children to transfer and embed the skills and knowledge they have been taught. We do this through a broad range of educational visits, in-school speakers, outdoor learning and links with the community and the Church.
Curriculum Subjects
To find out more about our curriculum, please contact the Main Office, who will direct your enquiry to the appropriate person. For details of our Special Needs provision, please click here.