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Equality Objectives

At All Saints, our children are growing up in a wider multicultural and multiracial society where they are subject to various attitudes towards minority groups, certain images of these groups portrayed by the media and their own unconscious bias.

The School stands against all forms of discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, disability or ability. 

This is achieved through the following objectives: 
  1. Promotion of cultural understanding and awareness of different religious beliefs between different ethnic groups within our school community
  2. Monitoring and promotion of the involvement of all groups of children in the extra-curricular life of the school, including School council opportunities and After School Clubs
  3. Actively close gaps in attainment and achievement between children and all groups of children; especially children eligible for free-school meals, children with special educational needs and disabilities, looked after children and children from minority ethnic groups
  4. Continue to improve accessibility across the school for children, staff and visitors with disabilities
  5. Endeavour to ensure diversity in the staff body and in leadership roles
  6. Respond proactively and in line with the School’s Behavioural Policy, to any rare incidence of the use of racist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic and sexist language by children in the school
  7. Review relevant school policies to ensure they clearly reflect the aim of inclusivity

In addition to the shared Equality Objectives above, the School is united in an unflinching ambition to tackle racism in our communities and seek to develop a culture of active anti-racism. 

To achieve this aim, the objectives are: 
  • Addressing unconscious bias through training and wider reading for staff and children 
  • Ensuring that incidents involving racist language are dealt with swiftly and sanctioned in accordance with the School’s behaviour policy 
  • Offering all victims of racial comments or abuse a meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to hear and record their views, be assured that sanctions have been applied and to reinforce that the School will not tolerate racist behaviour 
  • Explicitly teach values of respect and equality through PSHCE lessons (in line with our agreed RSE Policy) and within Collective Worship/Assemblies 
  • Decolonising and diversifying aspects of the curriculum and increasing the promotion of Black history and culture 
  • Collaborative Learning Trust Equality and Diversity Charter

    infographic showing Trust Equality and Diversity Charter areas

    In June 2024, after a year-long process which began with our student leaders from the Trust coming together and collaborating, we launched our Trust Equality and Diversity Charter. This is a living document, which everyone in our Trust works together to embed in our daily practice. You can read about the launch here.

    We want all schools in the Collaborative Learning Trust to be harmonious, inclusive places where every individual can thrive and reach their full potential because differences are celebrated, inequality is eradicated, and discrimination is systematically addressed.

    Our Equality & Diversity Charter is underpinned by the values of our Trust and covers six key areas: an inclusive culture; opportunities for all to flourish; engaging the wider community; preventing/tackling bullying/discrimination; a diverse, inclusive curriculum; leadership commitment. The Charter is available to download below.