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Forest School

The children come to Forest School on a rotation every 6 weeks. This is done on a year group basis or if targeted children need additional support through outdoor learning. 

When your child is scheduled to take part in Forest School we ask that they bring in clothes and footwear which is suitable for the weather.

Waterproof trousers and wellies are recommended in the winter as the site becomes very muddy. These will be provided if you don’t have any at home so, don’t worry, it’s covered!

How and what do our children learn through forest school?

Forest school is a child led kinaesthetic learning experience. The Forest School Team at each session set up a range of activities which are linked to either the topic or a skill area that the class teacher has identified as needing work (such as negotiation, listening skills fine motor skills or management of energy levels) At the beginning of the session the activities are outlined and each child explores these activities throughout the session.

The child determines the rate, direction, depth and breadth of their learning. Some activities will lead to unset tasks.

How else does Forest school help our children?

The activities at forest school are design to improve the children’s resilience and self-confidence. The children are expected to have a go at everything and the adults will support them but not complete the task for them. We have a limited number of tools and this means that the children need to use good communication and negotiation skills.

Team work skills are also developed as a number of the activities and tools require team work.

The children have learnt to listen carefully to instructions and now follow a wide range of complicated yet necessary protocols.

They have developed an awareness of others' needs and risk assessment skills. The tool work we do helps with fine and gross motor skills which in turn supports handwriting.  Even walking up to Forest School is starting to develop their awareness of other’s needs and their place in the community.

Forest school has helped children work, learn and play with a wider range of children and shows the class teacher how they work in a different environment which can then be used to inspire and develop learning in the classroom.