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‘Reading makes all other learning possible. We have to get books into our children’s hands early and often.’

Barack Obama

Reading is a skill that is vital in supporting every child’s learning across the whole curriculum. As a school, we will ensure that our children are taught to read with fluency, accuracy and understanding through a variety of discrete and cross-curricular learning opportunities. Above all, our aim for the children in our school is to become enthusiastic, independent and reflective readers with a love of reading. Essentially, we want children to enjoy reading in order for them to fulfil their potential.

Our Aims

At All Saints we aim to:

  1. Provide children with a secure knowledge of phonics, which helps develop word recognition when reading texts.
  2.  Develop children’s fluency and independence when reading a variety of texts by ensuring that reading material provided is matched to each child’s reading ability either through the Little Wandle scheme or using Accelerated reader.
  3. Develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the world through a variety of non-fiction and fiction texts, including playscripts and poetry, as well as introduce books from a variety of different cultures and beliefs.
  4. Provide children with the opportunity to read aloud for different purposes, allowing them to become confident, independent readers.
  5. Encourage meaningful book talk to allow each child to immerse themselves in each text they read. We want them to reflect on what they have read thinking about the author’s intent through language.
  6. Provide opportunities to comprehend texts in different ways, including drama and role play.
  7. Mould our children to become enthusiastic and reflective readers who recognise the value of reading as a life skill.

We feel that if we achieve these aims, our pupils at All Saints will leave having been instilled with a passion for reading that lasts their lifetime and will encourage them to share their enthusiasm for children’s literature.