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Reading for Pleasure

At All Saints, we not only want to develop children into readers, we want to allow our pupils to love reading and enjoy reading for pleasure. Our aim is to mould our children to become enthusiastic, reflective readers, who recognise the value of reading as a life skill. To encourage a love of reading across the Collaborative Learning Trust, we have produced a reading newsletter which is displayed across our school reading areas (please see below).

Reading Rockers

This year, we have introduced the 'Reading Rockers'. These are a group of children from across Years 3 to 6, who have a passion for reading and whose aim is to encourage others to enjoy reading as much as they do.

All the Reading Rockers were chosen after applying and interviewing for the role. They meet regularly with the Reading Subject Leaders to discuss ways to develop reading for pleasure outside the classroom. They are also in charge of looking after the library during class library sessions.

Alongside our Reading Rockers are the Mini Reading Rockers, who were chosen from our Year 2 classes. They have been chosen to provide insight into our younger readers at school.

Our Reading Areas

                                    School Library                             

In both our Kennion and Powell buildings, we have provided children with a well-stocked library area which they visit bi-weekly during the school day. We use the system of Junior Librarian to keep records of the books we have and who has taken out the book. During our 2023/24 school year, with the purpose of encouraging reading for pleasure, both of the library spaces were revamped to make the areas seem welcoming with books grouped into different themed areas and providing comfortable reading spaces with soft cushions and teepees to read their books.

During the 2023/24 school year, we were chosen to participate in the Penguin World of Stories programme, which has helped to provide ideas to encourage reading and develop the spaces children can read. As part of the programme, they donated 400 free books, which helped rejuvenate our space and create enthusiasm for visiting the library.

Our Reading Sheds

During the warmer months, children in the Powell building can enjoy reading during their breaks and lunchtimes in our two reading sheds. Stocked with a selection of fiction and non-fiction books, our children have a quiet space to enjoy these books in our school playground.

Located in the grass, woodland area of the playground, they are looked after by our Reading Rockers, who rotate the books on the shelves to show the wide range of texts on offer.