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Reading in Action

Reading in Action at All Saints!

CLT Year 6 Book Club (18th April 2024)

Following the success of the first CLT Let’s Talk Books newsletter, some of our Year 6 children had the opportunity to be involved in CLT’s first book club with Year 6 children from our other trust schools. Over Zoom, the children got to share their thoughts and questions about the chosen novel “Finding Bear”, written by Hannah Gold.

All Saints’ Book Day 2024 (20th March 2024)

To celebrate the joy and pleasure reading brings us, we held an All Saints’ Book Day on 20th March 2024. Across school, children engaged in activities all day linked to our theme of “Fairy Tales and Traditional Tales,” such as teacher book share, with teachers swapping classes to share their favourite book. The children in Powell building were also invited to celebrate the reopening of the school library after the refurbishment. To end the day, a school assembly was held where we celebrated what it means to read for pleasure.

Scholastic Book Fair (20th to 27 February 2024)

In the small hall in the Powell building, we held our second Scholastic Book Fair this academic year. In preparation for the fair, a whole school competition was held linked to the theme of Fairy Tales and Traditional Tales. EYFS were asked to colour a picture of Red Riding Hood; Key Stage 1 were asked to draw a new fairy or traditional tale character; Years 3 & 4 were asked to create a new fairy or traditional tale front cover and Years 5 & 6 were asked to write a new fairy or traditional tale. One winner was chosen from each group and won a £5 book voucher to spend at the fair. Every child in school was given a £1 World book day voucher, which they could use at the book fair. From our 2 book fairs this year, we have been able to raise £1000 in Scholastic rewards, which were used to provide new books for our library and a range of new books for our higher level readers.

Year 2 Elm reading Maximus & the Beanstalk to Hazel Class

Our Year 2’s have been using reading and completing work on their class text “Maximus and the Beanstalk.” The children were asked to retell the story in their own words. The children of Elm Class were then invited to share their stories with the Reception children in Hazel Class.

Saviour Pirotta visits Year 5 (January 2024)

As part of their literacy curriculum, the children in Year 5 have been reading the story The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad, written by Saviour Pirotta. We were therefore delighted to welcome Saviour to our school to talk to the Year 5’s about the book.


BD5 Bedtime Stories (Jan 2024)

A number of schools across BD5, in partnership with the National Science & Media Museum, came together to host the first BD5 Bedtime Stories since 2019. Due to refurbishments at the museum, the event was held at Newby Primary School with children from all BD5 reception classes invited. Each school focused on a different story zone, from space to seasons. All Saints looked at the theme of Engineering, with Mrs Dickinson sharing the story “Rosie Revere Engineer” with the children, as well as some engineering tasks provided by the Science Museum.

Also in attendance was Kate Pankhurst, author of the Great Women in… series, the Bradford Story Bus and Boom Chikka Boom. Despite the cold, wintery weather, the event proved successful.

Virtual message from Jenny MacLachlan (October 2023)

As part of their end of day story time, the children in Rowan Class were treated to a surprise video message from the author of their class read “Stink: Boy vs Fairy”. The children in Rowan have thoroughly enjoyed the story and were taught how to draw the main character, Stink. After contacting the author, Jenny MacLachlan, to show their artistic efforts, Jenny provided a seven minute video message where she shared some insights into the development of the story and some spoilers for the sequel.