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At All Saints we have two Reception classes: Hazel and Oak.

Children in Reception follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. There are seven areas of learning:

The Prime Areas (these are particularly important for your child's development and future learning)

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
  • Communication and Language (CL)
  • Physical Development (PD)

The Specific Areas (the prime areas are strengthened and applied through these areas)

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Our ambitious Early Years curriculum aims to teach all children the skills and knowledge in order that they reach the seventeen Early Learning Goals described in the Early Years Foundation Stage framework at the end of Reception.

The EYFS framework identifies three characteristics of effective teaching and learning:

  • Playing and Exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Creating and Thinking Critically

The Reception curriculum at All Saints is developed to prioritise sequential learning, where pupils know more and can do more, building on what they have been previously taught in Nursery. It is also designed to be responsive to the needs of our children, families and the community. Each topic planned is individually tailored to our children each year, with the aim of ensuring that all children leaving Reception are ready to start the KS1 curriculum. We use Development Matters, as a rich resource to support our knowledge of child development and as a supporting document for our curriculum. Through high quality interactions, we ensure children are immersed in a language-rich environment. As the Reception progresses, there will be more of a focus on the specific areas of learning, which will help them to prepare for Year 1.

Photos below show our Reception provision: