SMSC Including British Values
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development Including British Values
At All Saints CE Primary School, we understand that we live in a diverse society and our school celebrates the highly diverse cultural make up of our own school community. Our aim is for the children at All Saints to be able to understand and articulate the benefits of living in a culturally diverse society and flourish as respectable citizens as they continue their educational journey and beyond.
To achieve this, we have a carefully planned curriculum and offer a wide range of experiences both within and outside the classroom that encourages tolerance and understanding of differing viewpoints whilst reflecting the Christian ethos of the school.
Underpinning this are a set of values which include the school vision and values of ‘a united and caring community of learners’ together with those described by the Department for Education (DfE) as ‘fundamental British values’ and within the SIAMs documentation. The DfE defines these as: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Children have a number of opportunities to explore and participate in different aspects of democracy throughout their time at All Saints. We offer explicit teaching of what democracy is and how Britain has a democratic constitution. This is supported by opportunities for a Parliamentary visit to London, virtual calls with MPs and holding their own elections within the classroom environment. Children have the opportunity for additional responsibility through various avenues, such as the Online Safety Team, Young Mind Champions, Worship Team and Peer Coaches. All children develop further understanding of how individuals can influence decision making through a democratic process through school council elections and positions.
The Rule of Law
The importance of laws is consistently reinforced at All Saints. A clear behavioural policy is implemented throughout the school. Carefully selected pupil ambassadors and Head Girl/Boys support staff with the guidance of pupils to understand our agreed standards and expectations. Each class has a reward system in place using Class Dojos, stickers and certificates, alongside agreed consequences for not following the rules, linked to a clear and consistent behaviour policy. The children learn to recognise the difference between right and wrong in all aspects of school life and these messages are reinforced through assemblies, visits and visitors to school, including different faith leaders, Police and the Fire Service. Pupils are taught the reasons and values behind rules and laws and that they exist to govern and protect us. Our curriculum supports pupils to understand, through age appropriate activities, the difference between the law of the land and religious law.
Individual Liberty
Our pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. For example, all children from EYFS to year 6, at times, select their own learning challenges in lessons and are taught to evaluate their own learning and to have high expectations of themselves. Children learn about their rights and personal freedoms through our Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum, as well as weekly collective worship assemblies (which are underpinned by Christian teachings and children’s rights) and daily reflection time. Pupils are encouraged to express their own views and to understand that other people are at liberty to hold different views.
Mutual Respect
Mutual respect and unity is at the heart of our school values. Our Head Boy/Girl, Deputies, School Ambassadors & councillors set the standards to the youngest of pupils learning how they can demonstrate their respect for other people. Some examples of this are by saying good morning or afternoon to people they meet and by holding doors open to allow others to pass.
School council members understand they have responsibilities to model mutual respect and to help other pupils to develop their own. At times, staff will eat with the children at lunchtime and use this time to develop respect for each other, a greater understanding and awareness of the pupil’s lives and interests and to support the development of social skills. This is further supported by SLT led dinner times as well as opportunities such as ‘tea with the head teacher’, which is a regular opportunity for children to discuss current issues and topics affecting them with a member of SLT.
We actively promote diversity and tolerance through our curriculum and all aspects of school life. For example, all pupils visit the church annually as well as other places of worship throughout their time at All Saints. Children are encouraged to share with others about their own personal culture and beliefs as well as comparing and contrasting different aspects of multiple religions. Our links with multiple schools within our trust provide further opportunities for our pupils to develop friendships and learn from each other about different faiths and beliefs. We encourage and provide opportunities for parents to meet class teachers and share their thoughts and opinions on the curriculum and other aspects of school life throughout the year.
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development permeates all aspects of our curriculum and of school life and is a golden thread that runs throughout everything at All Saints.